Payment Methods

At HiRepro, we offer a variety of convenient and secure payment options to ensure a seamless shopping experience. Here are the payment methods we accept:

1. Credit Cards: We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. When you choose to pay with a credit card, your transaction will be processed securely through our payment gateway powered by Shopify Payments.

2. PayPal: You can also complete your purchase using PayPal, a trusted and widely used online payment platform. Simply select the PayPal option during checkout and follow the prompts to complete your transaction securely.

3. Apple Pay: For customers using Apple devices, Apple Pay offers a quick and easy way to make purchases securely. Look for the Apple Pay option at checkout and use your saved payment information for a seamless checkout experience.

4. Google Pay: Similarly, Google Pay allows customers to make purchases quickly and securely using their Google account. Look for the Google Pay option at checkout and follow the prompts to complete your transaction.

5. Shop Pay: If you have a Shop Pay account, you can use it to expedite the checkout process and securely store your payment information for future purchases. Simply select the Shop Pay option at checkout and sign in to your account to complete your purchase.

6. Stripe: Rest assured that all transactions made on our website are secure. We utilize Stripe, a trusted payment processor, to handle all payment transactions securely. Your payment information is encrypted and protected to ensure the highest level of security.

If you have any questions or concerns about payment methods or security, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team. We're here to help!

Contact Information:
Adress: 18 Kingsley Rd, Derby DE22 2JJ, United Kingdom


Phone: +44 7388 304743